ESB student school

Become a partner

Joining the ESB association demonstrates your support for a Grande Ecole that trains technicians, engineers and research specialising in the optimisation and efficient use of wood. It also lets you benefit from a set of services you can count on to grow.

A higher education and research institution, ESB is also an association under the French Act of 1901.

When you become a member of the association, you are allowing the school to boost your legitimacy and support your actions. You also benefit from a range of advantages likely to contribute to your company’s growth.

Member companies attend the General Assembly and the meetings of the school’s various bodies. They give their input and vote on important decisions.

Promote your employer brand

When they become members, companies have the ability to make their brand visible to the school’s various audiences (website and liaisons on social media).

Privileged partners, members are regularly invited to meet with students (trade conferences, company visits, thesis defences and juries, etc.).

Facilitate the recruiting of talent

ESB has a job and traineeship platform accessible to current students and recent graduates.

The ads placed by member companies are showcased during dedicated workshops for students.

Participation in the “Solution emploi-stage” (in June) and “Solution alternance” (in October) job fairs is free of charge for members.

Experiment with students

ESB invites you to carry out experiments with its students as part of school-company projects. Companies submit topics to students who, assisted by the school, produce ideas and prototypes.

Member companies benefit from a special offer to access these educational projects.

Develop your products and services

Bois HD is a skill and resource platform that offers R&D services for companies in the form of tests, trials, digital modelling, and engineering.

Member companies benefit from a 10%* discount off all Bois HD services.

Provision of spaces

Because we enjoy opening up our premises to others, member companies enjoy free access or reduced rates when using spaces within ESB: offices, meeting room, amphitheatre, workshop, etc.

Makers by nature