Live information session: Specialized Master Degree in biosourced composites

19 Apr 2021

Interested by eco-design of products or looking for innovative materials? Eager to discover opportunities given by renewable materials? Join our live information session “Specialized Mastere : Biosourced Composites : innovation and eco desig”, on Monday 19th April at 6:00 pm (Paris time – CET).

Training in biosourced composites materials and eco-design

The Specialised Master’s in biosourced composites: innovation and eco-design trains high-level executives in the area of innovative composite materials taking into account issues relating to sustainable development.

This level-1 Specialised Master’s® qualification is accredited by the French Association of Grandes Ecoles (CGE).

All of the courses are taught in English. It is organised in partnership with a french graduate design school, the Nantes Atlantique design school.

Training takes place over a period of 12 months: 6 months of teaching (ESB in Nantes, France) followed by a 6-month traineeship as part of a professional thesis.

A live information session to get informed and interact

Monday April 19th at 6.00 pm (Paris Hour – CET), Professors in charge of this programme will be online in order to give a presentation in English and answer all your questions.

To join this @Teams from Microsoft distance session, an internet connexion is expected. It is not compulsory to download the app, access through your navigator is also fine.

Interactions will be possible through chat and also direct questions (please use microphone and camera if possible)

Registration form

Published on 02-Apr-2021
Makers by nature