Post-master degree “Mastère spécialisé” in biosourced composites

Biosourced composites: innovation and eco-design
Masters training biosourced composite materials eco-design
  • Durée duration 1 year
  • Durée admission master's degree
  • Durée diploma Specialised Master’s degree
  • Durée start date september

The challenges of sustainable development position biosourced materials as up-and-coming resources to invent and develop the composites of the future.

These new composites derived from renewable plant resources will be further developed to meet the needs of companies looking for innovative solutions to enhance their products and make them sustainable.


The post-master degree “Mastère spécialisé” in biosourced composites: innovation and eco-design trains high-level executives in the area of innovative composite materials taking into account issues relating to sustainable development.

This diploma is accredited by the French Association of Grandes Ecoles (CGE).

All of the courses are taught in English.

It is organised in partnership with the Nantes Atlantique design school.

Training takes place over a period of 12 months: 6 months of teaching followed by a 6-month traineeship as part of a professional thesis.

Number of spaces

15 spaces


The post-master degree “Mastère spécialisé” relies on an interdisciplinary programme driven by an eco-innovation approach. At the end of the training, graduates will be capable of:

  • Innovating and eco-designing materials/products/services derived from renewable resources.
  • Developing and optimising product or process solutions taking into account the challenges of sustainable development and the possibilities offered by new technologies.
  • Implementing and managing a project in open collaborative mode.
  • Managing an interdisciplinary approach and promoting the emergence of transdisciplinarity.
  • Rolling out an innovation initiative.
  • Leading an eco-design approach using creativity and design tools and methods.
  • Taking into account regulatory requirements relating to society and the environment in particular.
  • Capturing knowledge (collection, modelling, representation, expertise) with the aim of transferring it on the job.
  • Providing material solutions for various areas of activity by understanding their specific characteristics and needs

Supporting partners

International speakers and experts

  • Hugo Piccin, Decoration Expert and Genuine Wood & Carbon Surfaces Team Leader, Faurecia (USA)
  • Emmanuelle Richely, Inra – Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France)
  • Ali Shalbafan, Associate Professor in Wood-Based Products, Tarbiat Modares University (Tehran, Iran)
  • Florence de Mengin Fondragon, R&D Manager, Valdelia (France)
  • Laurence Mott, General vice-president in charge of develoment and engineering, Tetra Pak (Sweden)
  • Martin P. Ansell, Honorary Reader in Materials, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath (UK)
  • Johnny Beaugrand, Research Director, INRAE (France)
  • Jörg Müssig, Professor of biological materials, Biological Materials Group, Hochschule Bremen (Allemagne)
  • Simon Chaplain, Industrial Purchasing & Design to cost Consultant, Hutisa (France)
Biomimetic-Innovation-Center /  The Biological Materials Group

Makers by nature